Save money. Start this year!

Are you living in the Netherlands? Or planning to live in the Netherlands?

Then… this is for you!

The year 2020 is the last year in which you still can deduct your study costs for tax purposes.


This is for everyone, even if you don’t have a business yet.

Or if you are not yet registered at the tax office, you can still deduct your study costs and thus save money. If you are already a registered masseur, you can also still have this benefit.

What to do? You have to start in 2020

The only rule is, you have to start your study this year, in 2020!

So if you are thinking about taking a massage course, this would be the best time to start! So if you want to follow a study in 2021, you can probably do so in 2020 and thus bring start with the study earlier, with tax deductions.


No time?

Don’t you have time to start a course in 2020? You can consider starting a massage course anyway, even if you don’t have time.

Our courses are online as well, so you can enroll this year and start when the time is right for you.

For the Dutch tax office, it matters when you enroll. And that is… you must enroll in 2020 in order to deduct the study costs for your taxes.

The massage courses at ITM Thai Hand Amsterdam are registered at the CRKBO (Register for Short Professional Education), so, therefore, acknowledged as a professional school where study costs can be deducted.

Are you an employee?

Are you working as an employee? You can also ask your employer/boss to pay for your massage study. Many of our students have done that.


If you have any questions, please email us to and we can help you from there!

Create a healthy day!

Nicole & Manel


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