Royal Massage, Wat Po

Do you know Royal Massage?
‘Never received a deep massage like that before, but after I felt amazing, full of energy, my blood circulating well throughout my whole body, super refreshing and felt as new!’ Just some words out of many emails we receive from travelers been to Thailand and received a massage in the Temple of Wat Po in Bangkok. Asking if they can learn this technique themselves. The answer is, yes you can and everyone can learn it. We teach this traditional Thai massage also in Wat Po Royal Massage style.
Everyone can learn it, you don’t have to be strong, because the trick is to use your bodyweight give deep acupressure. Students who study this technique open their own businesses to make others more healthy with this type of massage treatment called Deep Acupressure massage for health, Wat Po, or Royal Massage. Why Royal massage? This type of massage was ordered by King Rama of Thailand to preserve the ancient technique and to treat the royalty. He unified the knowledge of this 2500 year old ancient technique by asking the 19 best masters on traditional Thai massage known in Thailand in the last century to create this protocol of massage for health.[
Thai massage was introduced in Thailand by the Buddhist monks who arrived from India during the second and third century B.C. The founder, known as Shivaga Komarpaj, was Buddha’s personal doctor. The knowledge of Thai massage, referred to as traditional Thai medicine, was orally transmitted as were Buddha’s religious texts. Only very few written texts about traditional medicine and massage have been found. Traditionally, Thai massage was (and still is) received in Buddhist temples and considered to be a sacred practice.
Diagrams inscribed on the walls at the temple of Wat Po in Bangkok illustrate one of the fundamental principles of traditional Thai medicine: that energy flows through the body along ten major channels, or sen lines. If an obstruction occurs in any of these channels it is believed that pain or disease results. In this sense, traditional Thai medicine is similar to many other ancient healing systems, which believe that illnesses are caused by an imbalance or obstruction within the individual, or by an imbalance between an individual and his environment.
“What is traditional Thai medicine? “
Traditional Thai Medicine is based on the concept of an energy system comprising 10 ‘sen’ lines through which energy is transformed and distributed in the human body. This is similar to the system of ‘nadhis’ found in Ayurvedic medicine and yoga.
Traditional Thai Massage works to stimulate, open and balance the flow of energy through the sen lines to assist the body in its natural tendency towards self-healing. This is achieved through rhythmic manipulation of sen lines; mobilization of joints; passive stretches and applied Hatha Yoga asanas. In practice the massage unfolds like a continuous and rhythmic dance.
Thai Massage exemplifies the four divine states of mind described in Buddhist teachings. These are: loving kindness, compassion, vicarious joy and equanimity. Thai Massage is traditionally taught and practiced with the aim of embodying these states in action. For this reason the massage is sometimes referred to as ‘meditation in movement’. During a good Thai Massage the receiver would experience this meditation as a state of clear, calm and vivified embodiment.
So, Thai massage was (and still is) received in Buddhist temples and considered to be a sacred practice. First received only by Buddhist and after that by Royals. But now, we are happy this amazing preventive and curative technique can be received everywhere around the world.
Interested in learning Royal massage?
More information you can find here.