Inspirational ideas if you don’t have money
Do you know that the biggest reason for our students to not start a massage course is money?
We get daily emails from people who love to study massage, but they email us that they don’t have money. So, therefore, I just thought to give you some inspirational ideas for you if you are like many of our students that have the same problem: They love to take a course, but they are struggling with the money.
So hereby some ideas:
- Are you unemployed?
In the Netherlands, we have the UWV, but maybe in your own country, you have another kind of organization. Sometimes it is the local community office, sometimes it is an office related to the tax office. It depends on the country. Ask your employment coach to fund your study. Explain your employment coach that you can work as a massage therapist after following the massage program, so you are no longer depended on unemployment funds.
- Are you employed?
Many of our students ask their bosses to pay their massage programs. Of course, it depends on where you work. But a lot of companies have money to pay their employees courses. Or maybe you want to change your career, even then a lot of companies have money to help you retrain for another profession.
- Crowdfunding!
We found this idea that a student had a couple of years ago, amazing. She wanted to do the Thai yoga massage level 1 course with us but did not have any money. She then emailed all her friends, family and colleagues to say that she wanted to do a massage course and that she had massage vouchers for sale. She basically told everyone: Normally a good massage treatment is about 60 to 75 euro for 1 hour. How about if you buy a massage voucher from me now, for only 20 euro and I will give you the massage after I finish my massage course.
Immediate clients after the course
It was so amazing, she got so much response that she was able to enroll in level 1 and also in the level 2 massage course directly without paying herself for the course. After the courses, she gave all the people that bought her voucher a massage and they loved it so much, many of them came back and paid the full price she asked. So she immediately had clients the day she finished the courses.
So how about this? If you have more ideas let us know. And if you need assistance, let us know as well, we are happy to help.
Have a lovely day and we are looking forward to seeing you in our class.
Create a healthy day!
Nicole & Manel
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